Kamis, 05 Januari 2012


Differences between Germans and Chinese Cultures
Talking about culture, we have already known that culture is the result of feeling, willing and desiring of society in one area.  Each country both Eastern and Western countries has different cultures, especially in lifestyle. Lifestyle is a mode of Living that is identified by how people spend their time (activities), what they consider important in their environment (interest), and what they think of themselves and the world around them” (Assael, 1984: p.252). Hence, in this article the writer will explain differences of lifestyle between Germans (Western) and Chinese (Eastern): personality, handling problem, Sunday on the street of city, habit of old people, punctuality and definition of beauty.
a.       Personality
As we know that culture influences many ways of our life, especially in personality. The same view can be found in German and China. Both Germans and Chinese have different personality each others. Germans are individualist. It means that Germans just focus on their own selves and their immediate families. In contrast, Chinese are collectivist and used to live group. In this case, each person gives concerning more not only to himself or family but also to the group of society. Thus, we use to find extended family in China.
b.      Habit of Old People
When we go to Germany, we may find different view from China about old people. If Chinese old people prefer to go and walk with their grandchildren, but Germans don’t do it. They seem to go for walk with their pet, such as a dog. Why does it happen? The reason is the most of German old people don’t live together with their children and grandchildren. Their children live away from them. Meanwhile, Chinese old people, they are collectivist people, live together with their children, so that they have chance to take care their grandchildren. Besides it, Chinese old people consider that take care their grand children is a duty and enjoyment.
c.       Sunday on the Street of City
Many people have different way to spend their weekend, including in Germany and China. Savvy (2011) says that Germany is like a dead city. The streets are really empty and shops are closed. The one possibility is almost Germans sleep after making party in the whole of Saturday night or some of them prefer to do some house work. On contrary in China can be a crowded city on Sunday. Why? The reason is most of Chinese go out and fulfill the street to shopping or just to look around and sightseeing with their family. Sunday is a shopping day for them and an appropriate time to spend their holiday with family.
d.      Problems? Solutions! (Handling Problem)
Chinese, as a group of society, always handle the problem very carefully and search solving problem without hurting other people who beside of them. It is caused by the characteristic of Chinese itself. Chinese cannot utter something directly, because they have to consider many things. In Chinese culture if they reveal too directly without tactics, they will be concerned as no mature or childish even impolite people. In addition, giving face to the other is important part of Chinese culture. Thus, they often postpone the direct way in finding solutions even sometimes they prefer to avoid handling problem just for a moment. Of course, sometimes it is called as a postponement way of handling problems. Conversely, Germans are direct people. So, they always handle the problem directly. They will not think a lot and spend too much times for a problem, but they prefer to find the solution as soon as possible. Because of it, they use the fast way to handle the problem.
e.       Punctuality
Punctuality is an important part of social etiquette. It is about the accuracy of timing in working or meeting with the other person. In Germany, people always come on time because it has an essential value in German’s culture. Even it is a must for them. So that, they are demanded be able to separate between working time and private time clearly. If Germans have business meeting and other important appointments, they prefer to come a few minutes earlier. They consider that being late will emerge bad impression about them. In addition, they can be considered impolite when they come late to arrive at private appointment, such as with family, friends or acquaintances. Hence, Germans prefer to stay back home if they come to work late. It is different from China. People are more flexible about time. It means that Chinese may come more or less in time and tolerate if they must wait for the other person from 15 until 30 minutes.  They never thought that whether it is impolite and causes bad impression to them.
f.       Definition of Beauty
Each person has different opinion about beauty standards, because it is relative. A person thinks that someone is beauty if she has long hair, slim, bright skin, etc. On the other hand, the other person says that beauty is tall, short hair, and tanned skin. It is the fact which shows different view about beauty between Germans and Chinese. If Germans consider that tanned people is beautiful. So, women are happy to do tanning by lying in the sun as well as to make them look beauty. While, Chinese women prefer to carry an umbrella on sunny days because Chinese think that girls are pretty if they have white skin.
Assael, Henry.1984. Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action. Boston: Kent Publisher Company.p. 252
Liu, Yang.(2009). “Cultural Differences between German and Chinese”. Nesthostels Barcelona [internet]. Available at: http://www.nesthostelsbarcelona.com/nestbarcelonablog/cultural-differences-between-german-and-chinese/. [Accessed 1st December 2011].
Savvy, Taylor. (2011). “Differences between German and Chinese People (German opinion). Livejournal [internet] 17th February 2011. Available at: http://loyal-fr.livejournal.com/19898.html. [Accessed 27th November 2011].

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